Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Al is back

Al Armendariz had a very interesting article in the Dallas Morning News today. (Actually two years ago, though the only thing changed so far is the EPA directors listed below).

The entire article is informative, you can read it here, for our readers that like the highlights only, see below. Especially the last section - send it to everyone you know that breathes.

"Why is the ozone problem going away? The state of Texas said so".

The state's short-term data show that ozone levels are actually increasing in Tarrant, Denton and Parker counties.

•The state has submitted numerous failed ozone plans for our area, including in 1976, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2001 and 2003. Each has not only been a state failure but also a failure by the federal government, since the EPA approved each plan.

It is time for the failure to stop. We pay high taxes and deserve better service from our government administrators and scientists. The EPA should not approve the plan submitted by the state and instead require a new one with emission reductions that ensure that our area will meet the ozone standard.

Everyone who breathes should contact Steve Page, EPA director of the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards and Richard Greene, EPA regional administrator and tell them that it is time for the state to submit a real clean-air plan for our area.


  1. Good job of finding this first.

  2. Are you aware that this article was written in 2007? How in the heck could it be in the DMN last Thursday?
    Did you see a hard copy? Richard Greene doesn't even work for the EPA anymore. IS this really a late April Fools joke? You nearly fooled me.

  3. It was a test, to see WHO is listening. You get an A. It's a good indicator of the difference one word can make. And shows how not much changes through the years, it's only gotten worse.
