Sunday, May 3, 2009

We're not the only ones...

When we read the daily paper this morning, we noticed something odd in the letter section. Each week day there are letters from citizens for Clyde Picht for Fort Worth mayor.

Seems we weren't the only ones noticing the difference in the Sunday paper.

We then read Durango's take on it. He makes us laugh.

And just now we got a copy of an email from another that makes us see - we are not alone.

This was sent to the top brass and letter department at the daily paper. It looks like after that, it went to lots of folks. Thanks for sharing!

For the past several weeks I have seen MANY letters supporting Clyde Picht in the paper, few for Moncrief. On the days there were any for Moncrief there were the same number for Clyde. Days there were none for Moncrief tells me you are receiving more letters from average folks for Clyde. With this "fairness" and the stories both about the mayoral race and the City pulling the plug on the candidate interviews, I started to think the paper is changing! They are actually going to do fair, non biased reporting now, not be the shill for the city they have become over the years. Ah, but I forgot about the Editorial Board. Their disappointing "KEEP ALL THE INCUMBENTS" propaganda was the same as it is every year...reminds me of last year when they wanted to keep Brimer. (Though the ST now praises Wendy Davis, how quickly we forget). And then I saw the Letters to the Editor in the Sunday edition, with two glowing letters for Moncrief and none for Clyde. What a blatant slight. As well as a huge indicator Paul is gone, and with him whatever trust I had remaining in the local paper. It has become so one-sided and sensational that I skip most of it anyway, reading the letters to see what is really going on in the citizens world. The one those of us, not on city council, or working at the paper, live in.

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