Thursday, May 7, 2009

Free Entertainment

Notes we were sent from some that attended last night's forum:

The room was split down the middle, those that favored the incumbents on one side and those that believe the city has lots of room for improvement, on the other.

As usual both Louis McBee and Clyde Picht were there and brought up very valid points.

The incumbents thanked the PD and FD for endorsing them, this was a surprise to some of the candidates as they thought they would be heard and then the group would decide on WHO they were endorsing. Maybe surprise is the wrong word, at this point in this election nothing would surprise them.

Kathleen Hicks arrived late, she then introduced her aunts that were present and told us her mom was a judge.

Some claim Danny Scarth seemed to fall asleep a couple of times. Let's hope if he stays in office he can stay awake for council meetings.

Jordan Jungas tried to quote something from Romans 12. We aren't sure what he said. Something about his grandkids were the most important thing, while that is a given, maybe he should have talked about how important the citizens are.

District 3 is crowded with lots of good folks running for Silcox's seat. They were all down to earth and well educated on the issues. Fox was not present.

The mayor spoke of inclusion and transparency and how Fort Worth is the 9th safest city. We aren't sure where this statistic comes from, but we are guessing gas drilling, air quality, flooding, etc. is not included in the "safest" ranking.

The district we heard the least about has been 7. The imcumbent was not present, however the candidate was very impressive. Charlie Murphy talked of how he learned about drilling in Fort Worth. At first, it all sounded great, free money. Then he began to learn more and became concerned, he thought, "This can't be happening in Fort Worth". So he attened a council meeting and guess what? Drilling was on the agenda. He said those folks lost. Not one person on the council stood up to protect that neighborhood. We looked him up and found questions he answered in an earlier interview here.

Read up on the candidates for your district and for mayor!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Kathleen Hicks--is it true that your mom was a judge? Just wanted to check before I make my "judgement" tomorrow. Mayor Mikey should get out of town more and get fresh air circulating through his system 'cuz he's been behaving like someone with too much gas---whatever and every way that one interprets that phrase. See you all around our neighborhoods. Bring along the body guard and the legal and spiritual advisor along if they make you feel safer being around the common people with all our feet on the ground, unlike the high altar at city hall. And we promise--even pinky swear--that we will not talk a second more than our alotted 3 minutes. Of course, we have learned not to say a negative thing about you know who--and surely you know them much better than us smelly working little taxpayers. Git 'er done!!
